History – Glaslyn Group

The founding members of the group were Joe H., Bill C., Ken D. and Paul R. Advice and support was provided by DeLon B., Gerald F., Neil M. and Dick L. from the Turtle River group. The first meeting was held in the Elks Hall in Glaslyn on July 28, 1983.
The group did not list with the General Service Office at the time the members first met. The group’s name was the Glaslyn group and it still is to this day. The group was not an offshoot of another group, but it was started by people who attended the Turtle River group located in a community a half hour west of Glaslyn. The group let the community know that a new meeting was forming by word-of-mouth. There were seven members at the first meeting and they included people with no restrictions. The group experienced growth over the years by attending other meetings in the surrounding area. Formal group inventories are not held, but the group is small enough, and communication is good enough that issues are dealt with as they rise.
Ken D., who has been a member since the very beginning, was one of the first officers. He has acted as treasurer and group contact over the years, and has served as GSR. Several members have participated in District and Area Service. Fred R., Ken D., Carol D., Doug S., John C. and Raymond A. have been GSR’s. Doug S. and John C. have been DCM’s and Fred R. has been alternate DCM. Ken D. has served two terms as district treasurer. Meetings have been held once a week since the original founding. Meetings have been generally closed to AA members, but people with other addictions have been welcomed. Meetings are generally topic meetings and discussions around steps and traditions are often conducted. Newcomers are considered the lifeblood of the group and are welcomed, offered support, and discreetly encouraged to come back if they stray.
Frequently the last meeting of the month has been opened, and Al-Anon members have been welcomed to celebrate group Members birthdays. Cakes are used to commemorate sobriety anniversaries, and chips and medallions are presented at special milestones. The Glaslyn group is considered sacred by the people who depend upon it. The 30th anniversary of its founding was marked by a special celebration in July of 2013. The cake on the last Thursday of every July is for the group’s “birthday”. The group cooperates with professional agencies by signing court cards. Over the years several members have taken part in penitentiary visits. Many of us have taken regular phone duty at the district level.
The Glaslyn group has partnered with the Turtle River group, the Turtle Lake Clarity group, the St. Walburg Al-Anon group, the Turtleford Al-Anon group and the Glaslyn Al-Anon group, when it was in operation, to present the Turtleford Roundup. 2020 represents the 40th anniversary of this event that occurs the first weekend in May. This round up is recognized by many as one of the best in Saskatchewan.